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  • Writer's pictureScott F. Feeney

Why Do Casino Pre-Openings Always Go Over Budget?

Updated: Jan 5, 2021

From the initial approval of a casino license, purchase of the land and all the related permissions, the next step is to get started and hire architects, designers and your executive team. At this point take a little time to slow down and consider what will occur if the proper planning has not taken place. Have you considered the risks of any potential periods of slow downs due to a variety of events such pandemics, timing issues, construction or logistical delays during the planning and pre-opening stages. Have you considered the potential costs of hiring architects and moving into the master-planning and concept design stages and not having your gaming advisors on board prior? This will become costly if your architect has grander visions than the clients budget. Have you considered the costs of having highly paid executives sitting idle during potential slow down or delayed periods which will cost you US$100,000's per month very quickly. This puts significant stress on the pre-opening budget. Many projects lay littered around SE Asia that have had misguided planning, delays and cost overruns due to the gaming advisors being hired too late, and from having the budget eaten away whilst full time executives sit idle. Don't be that developer who is searching around for funding years after the proposed opening. Contract a pre-opening gaming advisory team.

GCG Gaming Advisory Services Pty Ltd.

GCG Gaming Advisory Services offers a fixed price Pre-Opening Services Agreement (PSA) in which we supply the executives within the agreement at the appropriate times throughout the pre-opening period. This starts at the precise time that you have the license, land and permits in hand. You can be assured of keeping this part of the pre-opening budget fixed. "One Price, One Agreement". Any delays and it's no extra cost to you. We charge one price for your planning and pre-opening period. Whether 3 years turns into 4, through our guidance and flexible fixed price agreement, you can be assured our fee is the set and final fee.

Below are a couple of examples of developers taking a GCG Gaming Advisory Services Planning and Pre-Opening Services Agreement.

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